My story of health and the bio-mat
A wake-up call about health, self-care, and a healthy dose of: “I can never take things for granted.”
In early June 2022 I received a phone call from my sister-in-law telling me she had been diagnosed with an early-stage breast cancer known as DCIS (ductal carcinoma insitu) following a routine mammogram. My jaw dropped and then I took a deep breath. She told me the radiologist saw these microcalcifications that only show up on a mammogram because they “light up” due to the radiation which makes them visible. They looked “suspicious” and it was suggested she get a biopsy soon.
Needless to say, this news was a wakeup call for me because I have a family history (my sister died of BC at a young age in 1988) so I take my breast health very seriously. Routine mammogram screenings have been a constant for me since the age of 29 because my sister passed away at the age of 35. After a scare and a biopsy (which turned out to be a benign fibroid) in 2009, I began to additionally get a yearly Sono Cine (high tech) Ultrasounds as an extra precaution.
Several years passed, I began feeling comfortable that all was good with the “girls” and became a bit laid back with my yearly screenings and “BUSY” started to take over. Then came… “why do I need to do both? Ultrasound and mammo?”– thinking my annual Sono Cine Ultrasound was sufficient enough to keep me in the clear.
I began skipping the mammogram and saying to myself I’ll do it next year. Turned out “next year” was 7 years later since my last mammo screening. Yep 2015. Time slipped away…So yes, I took my health for granted….
I made an appointment at the end of June for a routine mammogram screening. I left the screening thinking I am fine; I am healthy and fit- I AM GOOD.
I received a call from my Doc to return for a closer look (Diagnostic mammo & Ultrasound) because something looked concerning and I have a family history.
Me: Magical thinking…I am all good… this is just a precautionary measure; it’s happened before and it is no big deal, I am fine.
A few weeks later I go for another diagnostic and it was at that time the radiologist told me that I had these micro-calcifications in both breasts that were a low suspicion of malignancy but because of family history I really should get biopsies (on both sides) to confirm either way.
Me: in my head, I am sure it’s nothing …OK I’ll do it for peace of mind…. a few weeks later I go. The pathology report came back positive for both “my girls” – I had DCIS – early-stage non-invasive breast cancer. I was considered LUCKY to catch it so early. BUT WOW… me? How did this happen? To ME!!!
It was at that moment I realized – I CAN NEVER TAKE MY HEALTH OR SELF CARE FOR GRANTED
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2022, I had two Breast surgeries to remove the DCIS which completed in “clean margins” and radiation treatment following thereafter. Never in my life have I spent so much time wrapped up in western medicine practices that I felt I needed to do something to counteract the toxic environment I put my body and mind through.
This is when a longtime trusted friend and wellness colleague introduced me to The Richway Bio-Mat. As always, with any suggested product that comes my way, I do my due diligence in researching it ad nauseam.
I was very impressed by the technology, extensive testing and integrity of the company that designed and manufactures the bio-mat. I took a leap and purchased the Pro 7000, Amythyst pillow and quantum pad and set it up in my spare room which is now dedicated as my healing space.
My friend was able to help guide me through using the mat properly for my “condition.” Consistency I found was key to reap the benefits of energy and rejuvenation for my body using the lower settings (especially after surgery and my follow up radiation treatments left me exhausted). Using the higher infrared settings helped my low back/hip discomfort allowing me to exercise and instruct my classes with much more ease and fluidity. My body not only felt tremendous benefit but my mind and spirit did as well. I continue to use it daily and feel it has been a true game changer for me in a multitude of ways.
If you’d like to try bio-mat, I offer free sessions to my clients. Just let me know.