Deep Healing with Biomat
As I was recovering from a health crisis, a longtime trusted friend and wellness colleague introduced me to The Richway Bio-Mat. As always, with any suggested product that comes my way, I do my due diligence in researching it ad nauseam (see the FAQ below).
I was very impressed by the technology, extensive testing and integrity of the company that designed and manufactures the bio-mat. So I took a leap and purchased one to set up in my spare room which is now dedicated as my healing space.
My friend was able to help guide me through using the mat properly for my “condition.” Consistency I found was key to reap the benefits of energy and rejuvenation for my body using the lower settings (especially after surgery and my follow up radiation treatments left me exhausted). Using the higher infrared settings helped my low back/hip discomfort allowing me to exercise and instruct my classes with much more ease and fluidity. My body not only felt tremendous benefit but my mind and spirit did as well. I continue to use it daily and feel it has been a true game changer for me in a multitude of ways.
If you’d like to try bio-mat, I offer free sessions to my clients. Just let me know.

What is Bio-Mat?

Unlike an electric blanket which uses electric coils to create heat, the Bio-Mat uses a combination of fabrics and Amethyst stones to generate far infrared rays which is then transferred to the body as heat. The heat comes from friction generated within the body through the effects of far infrared rays. Far infrared rays warm the inside of your body and the part of your body making contact with the Biomat. This can provide temporary relief from:
- muscle pain
- joint pain and stiffness
- joint pain associated with arthritis
- muscle spasms / sprains
- back pain
What makes Bio-Mat unique?
The Bio-Mat is made using this unique combination of materials.

Is Bio-Mat independtently approved?
The Biomat is the only device of its kind that has been approved by the United State’s FDA (Food and Drug Administration). It has also been approved by these agencies around the world.

What about similar mats?
Healthy Line, a copy cat competitor, advertises Bio-Mat imitations which is NOT a specialized medical device manufacturer -there quality and technology is NOT the same (even though they advertise it) at a lower price without verification OR certification. They sell from a Chinese textile company which does not have any licenses to produce or sell medical devices – this is why they can use cheap parts to make their products (and sell a copy cat for less$$)
“I just love my mini Bio-Mat! Not only does it give me muscle tension relief, but it also helps calm the nervous system and I get a great night’s sleep after using it. I recommend it highly for anyone who has issues with arthritis pain or overall muscle soreness. It has greatly improved my overall well-being.”
– Linda Balter